Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Get Wisdom- Obey

~Bella is 28 months~

For our Obedience lessons we used the memory verse Col 3:20.  We talked about obeying right away, with a happy heart. 

So I had her make a face of what it would look like to obey without a happy heart....

And with a happy heart....

Then we did an activity to help with the whole idea that you have to Listen first with your ears and then Obey right away with your heart.

To help her with the idea of being quick to obey, I had her walk in paint and make foot prints on a piece of paper.  Her foot prints would remind her to "run" quickly to obey!

She got to wash her feet off in the sink, which was very exciting!

 The first Bible story we focused on was Abraham and how God asked him to do something hard (Leave his home and go to an unknown land) and yet Abraham obeyed.  We focused on how God loves to reward us for our obedience (Abraham was given a son for his obedience and great land)

The next part of Obedience we talked about, was obeying only halfway.  I used an example of following directions on how to clean pennys.  I said the directions told me to use salt and vinegar, but I thought we didn't need to salt, so I didn't add it.
So I had her put the dirty pennys in just the vinegar and see if it would make them clean. She stirred them around, and it did not...
 So then after adding the salt and stirring them, we laid them out to see if they were clean...

 Once she made the connection that we needed to follow all the directions in order for it to work, we read the story of Moses and him striking the rock to get water for the Israelites.  We talked about how because he didn't obey all the way, they had to wander more in the dessert.

More Get Wisdom Work


Ruth Younts "Get Wisdom"


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