~Bella is 28 months~
So, Ya I have been feeling very slacker mom. Life has been very crazy and I'm finding it hard to get back into my enthusiasm to plan tot school and do it with Bella. And therefore when I don't do as much as I think I "should" be doing, (even though I'm still doing a fair amount of things with her) I feel guilty. So for all you moms out there who think I have it all together and tot school is easy for us and I LOVE doing it all the time, ya... no. I struggle with it too.
But anyway..... Here is what we did get to this week. We mainly stuck to "G" work from Confession of a Homeschooler. She worked on writing her letter G. She is doing well with her letter writing so I'm hoping to have her do all the letters she knows and take pictures this upcoming week!
Then we did some pattern work. She did well at this again.
Next she pasted the correct number of gumdrops in each machine.
Next we did some lacing....
And color by number. I had to help her with the directions but I think it won't be long till she should be able to do this on her own.
Photo editing: Picmonkey.com
I think we all go through "on" and "off" periods - it looks like you're still doing great things together!