Monday, April 30, 2012

Letter H and letter review

~Bella is 29 months~

Bella seemed to really know her letter "h" already, so we also worked on some letter review work.  We also did a lot of our Get Wisdom work, which you can find here.  

So we did some big "H" and little "h" sorting...

 Cutting practice on our Hippo page...

And more pattern work...

 One way we reviewed our ABC's was I wrote in chalk her letters.  She then used a wet paint brush to trace them.  She loved this!

She then worked on writing her name also!

I also had her write all her letters that we have learned and her name.  This work was all done on our iPad all by herself with a pen we have for it!  I think she did a great job!

We also worked on letter matching and memory work.  Bella got this awesome set  (and a number version too) for easter from her Nanna (who just so happened to be a great Kindergarten teacher for many years!)

 So first she had to match a clothespin that had a letter on it, with the correct letter card...

But it was really hard to pinch the clothespins...

 So after I did a lot of helping we switched over to memory match.  Where she had to match her upper and lower case letters.  She really loves matching games.  She does a lot of them on the iPad.

This is an action shot of her dancing! She loves when we put on music and dance :)


Ring Exploration- Twin style

One of our favorite toys right now is our ring stacker from Melissa and Doug.  Right now the twins are mainly just working on taking them off. 

I love all the faces Ada makes :)

Our feet are also very interesting!

Hard at work!

Hmmm... I wonder what else I can do with this....

Ah! Yuuuuuuum!!

Oooo! This tastes pretty good too!

And what was Ada doing while I was taking pictures of Caiden??

Getting very angry that I wasn't taking pictures of her lol.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Get Wisdom- Obey

~Bella is 28 months~

For our Obedience lessons we used the memory verse Col 3:20.  We talked about obeying right away, with a happy heart. 

So I had her make a face of what it would look like to obey without a happy heart....

And with a happy heart....

Then we did an activity to help with the whole idea that you have to Listen first with your ears and then Obey right away with your heart.

To help her with the idea of being quick to obey, I had her walk in paint and make foot prints on a piece of paper.  Her foot prints would remind her to "run" quickly to obey!

She got to wash her feet off in the sink, which was very exciting!

 The first Bible story we focused on was Abraham and how God asked him to do something hard (Leave his home and go to an unknown land) and yet Abraham obeyed.  We focused on how God loves to reward us for our obedience (Abraham was given a son for his obedience and great land)

The next part of Obedience we talked about, was obeying only halfway.  I used an example of following directions on how to clean pennys.  I said the directions told me to use salt and vinegar, but I thought we didn't need to salt, so I didn't add it.
So I had her put the dirty pennys in just the vinegar and see if it would make them clean. She stirred them around, and it did not...
 So then after adding the salt and stirring them, we laid them out to see if they were clean...

 Once she made the connection that we needed to follow all the directions in order for it to work, we read the story of Moses and him striking the rock to get water for the Israelites.  We talked about how because he didn't obey all the way, they had to wander more in the dessert.

More Get Wisdom Work


Ruth Younts "Get Wisdom"

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Get Wisdom - Listen

~Bella is 28 months~

So Since Easter is over, I needed to find something else to do to guide us in Biblical training.  I have decided that I am not going to confine myself with this to certain time frames.  So the book I am using is called "Get Wisdom" by Ruth Younts.  It is an awesome book.  It has 23 Lessons.  She has provided a definition, a Bible verse, questions to ask, an image to go with the lesson.  Then in the back of the book she has even more for you with each lesson.

So our first lesson was about Listening.  We read the lesson and the Bible verse. The image was a bunny for the big ears.  

So we made a bunny ears headband she could wear to remember what the lesson is about.  She really loved this.  And we would be going throughout the week and she would put her fingers up by her forehead and say "Ears... Listen?" hehe

So we next read this book about listening. We talked about this then in relation to her daily life.

We also read the story of Jonah and talked about what happened when he listened and when he didn't.

Then I had her play a listening game online.  She had to listen to the sound of the animal and then tell me what animal it corresponded with. This is the first time I let her do something on our computer, so this was loads of fun.

Then for our memory verses, I have made memory cards to be a visual aid for her.


Get Wisdom by Ruth Younts

Sunday, April 15, 2012

G is for Gumdrop!

~Bella is 28 months~

So, Ya I have been feeling very slacker mom.  Life has been very crazy and I'm finding it hard to get back into my enthusiasm to plan tot school and do it with Bella.  And therefore when I don't do as much as I think I "should" be doing, (even though I'm still doing a fair amount of things with her) I feel guilty.  So for all you moms out there who think I have it all together and tot school is easy for us and I LOVE doing it all the time, ya... no.  I struggle with it too.
But anyway..... Here is what we did get to this week.  We mainly stuck to "G" work from Confession of a Homeschooler.  She worked on writing her letter G.  She is doing well with her letter writing so I'm hoping to have her do all the letters she knows and take pictures this upcoming week!

Then she sorted Big and Little G...

Some Dot Art... This is getting boring to her, so I don't know how long we will be doing this...

Then we did some pattern work.  She did well at this again.

Next she pasted the correct number of gumdrops in each machine.

Next we did some lacing....

And color by number.  I had to help her with the directions but I think it won't be long till she should be able to do this on her own.

Photo editing:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Part 6

For part 6 of our Easter focus, we focused on Jesus' Resurrection, Matthew 27:57-28:15.  The angel was the symbol for this one.  We used the same art activity as we did for the crown.

 This is the final product...

And here they all are in our window...

The blog I got my ideas from:

And the rest of our easter learning: