Tuesday, January 31, 2012

B is for Batman!

So this week was once again another rough week.  Poor Adabug has been dealing with teeth and an ear infection.  So my planning wasn't as good and did not get the opportunity to look into creating activities for Bible stories :( I did not like that at all.  But because I was able to print stuff off the week before we did have some things to work on.  

So one of the art activities we did this week was centered around the letter B.  If you are my Facebook friend you have most likely seen the preview pic of Bella's face :)  First she painted with Blue paint and then I made Blue Bubbles that she blue threw the funnel.  But when they popped it got all over us hahah. She loved it

Blue speckled girl :)

I got these letter, shape and number track cards and had Bella drive a car around the track.  She actually really liked this.  Another way I played with her was I asked her to drive her car to a certain track.  She had lots of fun making car noises :)

Dot art work for letter B - a favorite :)

Some B Prewritting.

Then we had a day of Batman learning fun.  Bella is in love with Batman, so these were great activities for her.

She practiced her "B's" for Batman. Then she had to trace lines that would help Batman catch the different villains.

Then we worked on matching colored Batman symbols with the color word. She is actually doing better and better at this.  She still however has a hard time identifying a specific color.

In the Batman pack, there is also a math section where there are Batman objects on one side and then a number to match it with.

Then she worked on size sorting.  She understands the concept of bigger and smaller when given the option of two objects.  I think I need to find a way to make this more difficult as I don't think she completely gets the idea.
I told her to find the tiny one - that is her Tiny face 

So our "B" letter craft was B for bumble bee. So first she finger painted the "B" yellow.  She was so cute as she started very cautiously, but then dove in with both hands.

Next after the yellow dried, she painted stripes of black for the bee.

Then she filled in the top all black.

I then put dots of glue down so she could stick on the eyes and wings.  she loved it :)

So I realized that I don't put much of Bella's non-paper activities that we do.  So here is one of those "planned" play times.  I used this piano as an opportunity to work with numbers and colors as this is something she still struggles with to carrying degrees.  So I would shout out a number or color and she would have to play it and make music with it.

Adabug has been busy this week.  She is standing up on everything.  And at not even 9 months is practicing walking! Be still me heart!  She is soooo not steady, so if I'm not there watching - this is actually quite dangerous!

So whenever we are downstairs, Caiden LOVES to play with the Magnadoodle.  Now I like to imagine he is working on his writing and art skills, but.....

Another favorite in this house for all the kids is music! The love making music and dancing to it.  And they crack up when Bella begins to dance :)

I am a sucker for these two playing together :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Penguins, God made me and More!

This week for our Bible lessons, we did a review on creation - which you can find here.  The we talked about "God made me" and the the first sin.

So we first worked on what makes us special. To illustrate this  I had her make the faces of Bella on her play-do mat.  We talked about how God gave us a mouth to talk to God and eyes to read the Bible.  I then discussed with her the importance of obedience and how it can make us feel to obey and disobey.  We later reinforced feeling with and iPad App that had her work on feeling words.

Then we talked about the story of the first sin with Adam and Eve.  I got these story telling pictures that I colored and then would place in front of her as I told her the story.

She then colored those same pictures as a mini book and I retold the story and asked her questions about what each page was about.

Here we are working on color matching with magnetic pom poms.  She started to get a little bored with this one.

I have another sheet for pom pom that helps with squares.  And for some reason she like this sheet more than the color one.

Then we did some penguin themed activities. First we worked on size sequencing.  This is a more difficult concept for her and she had a hard time focusing for this one.

Then she had to match a colored bow to the colored word on the penguins belly.  She had lots of fun with this one.

Next we worked with number matching.  The penguins are hungry and she had to find which penguin had the correct number for how many dots were on the fish.

Then she enjoyed some reading and an iPad app that worked on words and letters.

So you may ask yourself, what have the twins been learning???

They have been learning the word "No" 

"Ada, No -  don't touch that"

"Caiden, Ada - No, No.."

"Caiden, No - That's Bella's breakfast"

Hehe :) I love this age of exploring :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Letter B-part 1

So I have really enjoyed Letter "b" week.  Hopefully Bella has too lol.  So I found this cute idea to do a handprint letter picture.  So since we are only on the letter B, I thought we would play catch up and do and "A" and "B" picture.  She loves getting her hands dirty in paint, so this was a big hit :)

We also did our Dot art B's.  This is something she always enjoys doing.

Here I let her just color the B pictures.  She is starting to get really good and "coloring" pictures as opposed to just scribbling!  I love seeing her learn and advance!

I printed out several different B coloring pages.  She works on them at different times of the day during the week, when I need something to keep her occupied!

She also worked on differentiating between big B and little B.  She has done really well on this for both letters.  I wonder though if she is doing so well with these letter because I have been teaching her the letters A, B, C, D, G, J, K, M, N, and P because those letters start the names of people in our family.  We shall see when we get to unfamiliar letters if she is quick to learn!

The next couple pictures are shots of her learning to write the letter B.  I focus heavily on the capital letters, but we do work on both.

With the Etch-a-Sketch, I write the letter with the pen and then she traces with the circle magnet.  She can do the "A" but we are still working on the curves of "B" :)

So there was a day when I had things planned, aaaand... my plans changed for the weekend so I needed to get things done. So instead of doing things I had originally planned where I would have needed to be involved more, we did lots of iPad learning.

Here she colored a whole bunch of "B" pictures.

Then we worked on writing "B."  On the left I helped her draw it.  Then I let her do it on her own on the right...  wrong letter but I was so impressed (as was she)

She then did her practice writing in a great app call The ABC's of God.

I love these pictures of her learning and LOVING it!  The iPad has been a great addition to our learning times.