~Bella is 34 months~
For our second week of Fall Fun we did some more Pumpkin activities. I have these pumpkin mats that also had seeds with numbers on them. She then had to count the correct number of seeds and put them in the pumpkin.
The twins had free play with their mats and seeds. We did do just some counting work with them too though.
During free play, Ada really like putting the seeds in the bag and then dumping them and cleaning up again :)
Then we worked on drawing our emotions on the pumpkins.
I had some left over weekly readers from when I was teaching in daycare that I laminated. So I had one that was a pumpkin patch seen where she had to find different items in the picture.
Here is a number Puzzle of a scarecrow....

We recently started doing calendar time. I will have a whole post dedicated to what we do there. I hope to work on that next week.
We also did some Fall dot art work with the twins.
Bella's was more difficult because she had to match the dot marker with the colored circled. These activities are good for her because she is not very meticulous at things she does and she can have a tendency to rush things. So this slowed her down enough were she learned to take her time but not so much that it frustrated her.
Painting Fall pictures that helped teach them numbers...
Coloring with crayons...
Then for learning as we play, Caiden has really been enjoying cars and building/stacking. So with the cars we worked on colors and sang the color song of the car he was holding. For blocks we worked really hard on making tall towers. Good patience builder!
All photos of activities seen are just a moment in time in our day and the activity itself. Don't be fooled, those happy smiles are not there the entire length of the activity. We are real people here too, people who struggle with sharing, OCD, being tired, apathy and the like. These photos are just to show what the activities are and a reminder to self of what we have done and where we have come.