Saturday, June 2, 2012

Tot schoolers in training!

~Bella is 30 months~
~Twins are 12 months~

So the twins are really interested in doing everything Bella is doing, and with naps decreasing, that means they are seeing Bella do big girl stuff.  So I have been trying this week to include them in the big kid experiences.  

So for our first attempt at "Wow mommy this is great!" we did painting in a bag.  My supplies were:
-Gallon ziploc bags
-Finger paint (but it could be any paint)
-Paper of any kind that will fit in the bags

So you put the paper in the bag, then add your paint and tape it to your surface.  Ada was the least interested in this.  And Caiden didn't last very long either!  I think this was actually slightly boring to them.  I'm thinking next time to put a marble or something like that, that they could push around inside the bag and move the paint around that way.

Another activity we did was coloring together.  I have a huge roll of paper for our easel that I cut a long piece out of.  I then sat the kids on the paper and let them color on it.  
Bella loved that her brother and sister were coloring with her :)
This was also a short activity as the twins eventually just wanted to eat the crayons. lol  I know that for this first little bit, while I am exposing them to these new experiences, that they will be short activities.  There attention spans are small and they don't understand what to do yet.  But Im ok with that.  We will get there....

We played with the wipe box again.  This time we used our Melissa and Doug cookies.

Then we did some imaginative/gross motor play.  Mommy built a tent in the living room!  This was great fun for all the kids.  They loved being able to climb, play peak-a-boo, and Bella went wild with her imagination :)

We did some more drawing outside with chalk one day.  They seemed to like this more and for some reason weren't as tempted to eat the chalk like they were the crayons...

Bella worked some more on writing her name...

And she got to paint one morning while the twins were taking a cat nap!
Do you see what she decided to make??? She is all about her "B" Bellas!

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