Friday, May 11, 2012

Get Wisdom - Kindness

~Bella is 30 months~

So if you have the book I am using, you will notice I am not following her order.  I have decided that as I teach Bella, I am going to teach according to her need and skill level.  I felt as if the next one Ruth Younts had in her book should wait until she gets a little older.  So I decided we would work on Kindness!

We started with reading from the book, looking over the memory verse and talking about what the picture had to do with being kind.  We then worked on what some examples of kind and not kind actions are in her day.

Next we discussed the story Jesus is kind to the children, Mark 10:13-16.  What was nice about this is this was her Sunday School lesson at church also!  So we mainly just reviewed this story.

Next I saw this idea on the website that I have been using to get help with extra ideas for each lesson:
Kindness germ

At an early age, kids learn to be germ-aware. Parents regularly mention concerns about hand washing, nose blowing, nose picking, nail biting and covering mouths when coughing or sneezing. Begin by reviewing basic hygiene rules and expand your discussion to tell your children that there is one germ that they are welcome to spread all over the place: the kindness germ!
Kindness is as contagious as the common cold. Explain that when we are kind to each other, it softens our hearts and makes us want to be kind to others as well.
Discuss ways you can spread “kindness germs” everywhere! Throughout the course of your study, whenever your children wash their hands, cough, sneeze or blow their noses, it can be a reminder to ask God to wash away any unkindness and to ask Him to help you spread kindness germs instead.

This was a fun one we kept up throughout the days we talked about kindness.  Everytime a germ would be spread, we would see if we could spread a Kindness germ also!  If nothing physical could be done a simple word of kindness - I love you, I like your hair, etc. - would be done instead.

Then we also talked about the story of how Ruth was kind to her Mother-in-law.

For our activity, we made Mother's day cards for the Grandmas and Aunt.

The twins were a little curious

More Get Wisdom Work

"Get Wisdom" by Ruth Younts

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