Tuesday, December 13, 2011


These are the activities we are doing that center around Jesus and the nativity.  I will put links of the places I get the ideas and worksheet from.

Here she is learning letters using key phrases from the story of Christ's birth.  She is learning to match capital and lowercase, as well as letter identification.

I got this Christmas coloring book from this website.  It's not solely revolved around the nativity but it has great pictures and it works through the alphabet.  She is using Crayola dry erase crayons and I have the papers in sheet protectors.

We also worked on sorting people and animals from the nativity.  We did something similar for thanksgiving.  She does really well on these activities.

Here we worked on size sorting.  This day we focused heavily on Baby Jesus also, so we would talk about the significance of Baby Jesus at Christmas also.

We worked on colors and following directions.  This was more challenging for her as she wanted to do her own thing, and she is still working on colors

And we always love it when Grammy helps :)

Here we are working on counting and identifying the corresponding number. I had originally planned on using small balls of play dough to place not he correct number but she wanted to use the Do-a-dot markers.  She does well with counting but we are still working on being able to identify the correct number.  

Bella worked on shadow matching the different parts of the nativity scene.  This was great to help her learn to pay attention to detail.

I have more things I plan on doing but most of things are all part of the Packs that I linked up to in this blog. I may do another post of those activities! We shall see what time allows for :)