Thursday, November 15, 2012

Calendar Time

So if you are friend of mine on Facebook or Instagram, you will remember I posted this picture a week or two back...

Well here is the long over due explanation of our Calendar Time Notebook.  I felt like we might need to start some Calendar Time with Bella.  After doing it for about a month, I have realized she is not QUITE ready for it.  She liked doing it initially and did well with it, but quickly got bored with it.  So we have put it on the back burner for a couple of months and will come back to it as she matures.

So when you open it up this is what you see.  On the left are the envelopes that hold all pieces to the pages.  I used velcro dots to fasten the pieces.

So here is the first page.  It is about weather and seasons.  I laminated the actual page.  So I had to tape the Charts onto a page, and then add the stickers, laminate then add velcro dots.

Then she would work on the month format and would write the days number with a dry erase marker.

The next page worked on "Today is."  Also on the bottom we would sing the Days of the week song and she would find where yesterday was, today is and tomorrow is.

The we worked on a color of the day.  She got to pick the color and would then go around the house looking for items that matched the days color.

Next she worked on a shape and whatever the letter we were working on for the day.

In the back I kept extra pieces that would not be used regularly.

The places I got all of our stuff from are the following websites:

L is for Leaf

~Bella is 34 months~
~Caiden and Ada are 17 months~

Bella worked with the letter "L" this week.  Here she is working in her Calendar notebook on the letter. lol She looks so excited doesn't she.

Then she stamped the letter L...

Poked the letter...

Stamped big and little L in different colors...

And a dot marker.  She worked hard to stay in the dots.  This is a newer development!

 And lastly she sorted leafs and apples...

Then we brought in leaves from outside and we talked ALOT about them.  How they are the same, different, color, shape, size.

Then we colored a picture with leaves.

And here she worked on coloring specific parts.  She still doesn't quite get the concept of filling in a space when coloring.


All photos of activities seen are just a moment in time in our day and the activity itself.  Don't be fooled, those happy smiles are not there the entire length of the activity.  We are real people here too, people who struggle with sharing, OCD, being tired, apathy and the like.  These photos are just to show what the activities are and a reminder to self of what we have done and where we have come.