Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Play-dough Adventures

I decided to make play-dough with Bella.  She has never played with play-dough before either.  She loves being my little helper, so she was thrilled at the chance to help momma cook!
 She was unsure of what to do with it initially...
 But soon realized, it was loads of fun :)

 We next added food coloring to it.  Bella helped me need it together.

We even got Daddy in on the action :)

Our finished Product.  However, it didn't last too long.  For some reason it turned to mush and I couldn't reheat, like the directions said...

What we are all about!

So I thought I would make and introduction post on my new blog.  I wanted a place where I can tell the story of my children learning.  I have a 2 yr old Girl Bella, and 6 month old twins - Caiden and Ada.  I am a firm believer in learning through play and thought others would enjoy in our journey of learning!  I want to train my children up in the Lord and I will fail many times.  But I know my God will help filter out the bad that I bring in and promote the beautiful!  Praying daily that my Kids first and foremost love the Lord!